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There is a generational shift of kids who are increasingly moving away from physical toys towards digital ones.

The toy industry faces the risk of becoming irrelevant and losing significant revenue from the sale of physical products.


Protect your business by tokenizing physical products with new-gen technology.

Unlock new digital assets and rewards for your consumers using decentralized finance & the NFT economy.

value for brands

Key value is concentrated on supporting the primary sales of physical toys. The new features strengthen market share position and boost customer retention.

value for consumers

Physical toys have limited value and lifespan for consumers. Consumers can unlock additional value, access new communities, and engage more with their products.

Our approach

Every toy has its own microstructure. We flip it into a digital token and create unique assets for your consumers.

Your Toy

Every toy has its own unique material structure and manufacturing characteristics.

Unique Microstructure 

Our CV/ML protocol enables any camera to capture these characteristics and create a physical Non-Fungible Token (pNFT)

Physical NFT

Serves as a new digital asset that links the physical toy itself to your business applications.
how it works 1/2

A consumer buys a physical toy, takes a picture of its microstructure, and is rewarded with a token (pNFT).

how it works 2/2

The token allows consumers to be part of a modern decentralized community and opens up new opportunities with

the power of digital assets.

pNFT Insurance

Parents buying toys can open an account for their child that will allow them to sell their pNFTs in the future. It's actually a form of decentralized savings and/or insurance.


Not everyone may want a token as a reward. In these cases, discounts can be applied to the token. The token is then burned and its value increases. Since the brand owns a certain percentage of the tokens, it will never lose out.


The need to establish communities among consumers is growing. Decentralization offers an opportunity for consumers to connect with each other and engage further with their products.


There is tremendous untapped opportunity within the decentralized economy and pNFT space that can unlock new value for toy products. 

Non-Fungible Token (NFT)

It’s a unique asset created using blockchain protocols that allows anyone to create wholly unique tokens for digital assets such as images, songs, etc. Creators can then sell as whole individual units, limited editions, or even as fractionalized assets.

Physical NFT (pNFT)

It has all the attributes of a digital NFT but is also firmly and immutably linked to a physical object. No one can change the original physical product or the digital record of a pNFT. This immutability is a key feature that a digital NFT does not have. 

Decentralized Finance (DeFi)

DeFi is an open and global financial system built for the internet age – an alternative to a system that's opaque, tightly controlled, and held together by old infrastructure and processes. It gives you control and visibility over your assets and exposure to global markets and alternatives to your local currency or banking options. DeFi products open up financial services to anyone with an internet connection and are owned and maintained by their individual users.
modern education

Toys provide learning opportunities for parents and kids to experience the decentralized world while holding tokens in metaverse environments.

gem economy

The new gem economy encourages creators to adapt a new perspective for brands.

All designs, skins, gems, and other features are recorded on the blockchain. Creators can receive income whenever they are used.


What other decentralized services can be monetized by a brand?

De-Assets Tokenization

De-Credit & Lending
De-Prediction Markets Metaverses


Secondary marketplaces are skyrocketing! New features and innovation are needed.

“Secondary behavior” is something customers are moving towards in many forms – from reusing, to repairing, recycling, re-gifting, and reselling across all industries and verticals. It has been notably absent in the toy sector due to the difficulty of determining and tracking the value of toys.


Physical Code™ cannot be changed, manipulated, or tampered with because it is based on an object’s unique material structure — unlike tags, chips, invisible markers, or simple blockchain provenance.

Types of Physical code™

Individual Physical Code™

Protect and trace each item individually using its own unique microstructure.

Batch Physical Code™

Protect and trace an entire SKU of items by learning the characteristics of a small sample set.
The secret sauce

Our Physical Code™ cannot be changed, manipulated, or tampered with because it is based on an item’s unique material structure — unlike tags, chips, or invisible markers.

Competitive Advantages
Competitive advantage
target icon

State-of-the-Art CV/ML Algorithms

Contains 30+ CV/ML methods never described in any article. 5Y+ competitive advantage.
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Lighting, Material & Camera Agnostic

Resistant to damages, different lighting, and camera variability. Works on many materials with no special HW.
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Accuracy & Robustness

Tested by F500 companies. Built based on our proprietary datasets with tens of millions of microstructure images.
flexibility icon

No manufacturing changes

No need for special hardware. Durable and widely applicable across materials. Works even when 80% of the Physical Code™ is damaged.


Even when 80% of the Physical Code™ is damaged.


Across all sectors, industries, and many materials.

No external security elements.
No proprietary hardware.
No changes to the manufacturing.

Key parameters
Key parameters


Accuracy (up to)


Secures a product as is

0.1s / 2s

Speed (industrial/smartphone)

Low price

Negligible cost per item




By an immutable Physical Code™
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